Search results

  1. Breezey

    Shinjin Bryna

    B R Y N A Shinjin ✦ Kai God of Creation & Afterlife Affinity & Kai Kai 3717 years old and Good appearance... background...
  2. Breezey


    B R Y N A Shinjin ✦ Kai God of Creation & Afterlife Affinity & Kai Kai 3717 years old and Good appearance... background...
  3. Breezey

    Bio-Android Failure-64

    F A I L U R E - 6 4 Bio-Android ✦ Zenkai & Technical Prowess ✦ Mutant & Metamorphosis 3 years old and Evil appearance... background...
  4. Breezey


    F A I L U R E - 6 4 Bio-Android ✦ Zenkai & Technical Prowess ✦ Mutant & Metamorphosis 3 years and Evil appearance... background...